DKG: Opportunity, Wisdom, Leadership
- Each chapter shall enhance membership diversity.
- Each chapter shall develop increased interest/incentives for chapter attendance at the Leadership Management Seminar.
- Each chapter shall support the International Service Projects and the Zeta State Scholarship Fund.
- Each chapter shall schedule a visit from a state officer, state committee chair, or member of the Order of Magnolia during the biennium.
- Each chapter shall have a net increase of, at least, two members during the biennium.
When Karen told me to be thinking about a theme and an icon or symbol for the 2013-2015 biennium, I thought…. “What in the world?” So, I began to think about what being a member of Delta Kappa Gamma means to me. I got a sheet of paper and began listing words that described DKG.
Three words seemed to pop out at me:
1. Opportunity
- DKG provides opportunity for both personal and professional growth of its members.
- DKG provides $$$ for scholarships, grants-in-aid, opportunities for training, and service to others.
2. Wisdom
- Can you imagine the amount of aggregate wisdom in this room?
- We learn from one another and we support each other via workshops at district meetings, state, regional, and international conventions.
3. Leadership
- Zeta State is fortunate to have members at international, state, regional, and local chapter levels who are willing to take that extra step beyond their comfort zone.
- We are ALL leaders; even in the classroom, we serve as leaders for our students.
- And Zeta State provides leadership training for every facet of our Society.
- We, members, need to take advantage of everything that our membership in Delta Kappa Gamma provides.
Remember------ O- Opportunity W-Wisdom L- Leadership
My theme for the 2013-2015 biennium is DKG: Opportunity, Wisdom, Leadership.
Now, having said all this, I will close by saying that “OWL” be seeing you soon!
PS. Check-out the "Give A Hoot" page.