Members Moving Forward...
Tess smith
Tess Smith, Alpha Rho Chapter, had her article "The Impact of School-Based Pre-K Programs on Kindergarten Readiness" selected for inclusion in the 2019, Volume 85-5 issue of The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin. Tess started in the classroom 27 years ago as an ELA teacher. She later became a school counselor and finally an administrator. She currently serves the Lamar County School District as Superintendent of Education. This is her fifth year in that role. Even though most of her career has been spent at the middle or high school level, Tess has a heart for early learning.
Read her article here. |
shauna waters
Shauna Waters, a member of Gamma Chapter and of West Lauderdale High School, has been recognized by the Yale Office of Undergraduate Admissions as a recipient of the 2019 Yale Educator Award.
The Yale Educator Recognition Program recognizes outstanding educators from around the world who support and inspire their students to perform at high levels and to achieve excellence. Of this year’s 311 nominees, who represent 40 US states and 23 countries, 55 teachers and 18 counselors were selected to receive the award. Matriculating students are invited to nominate high school educators, and a committee of Yale admissions officers reviews each nomination individually and designates recipients. |
Glenda hartfield
Glenda Hartfield, Alpha Alpha Chapter, has been named 2019-2020 Perry Central High School Teacher of the Year. Glenda teaches English and Creative Writing where she encourages all students to leave a legacy of writing. She has also received the 2019 PREPS Value-Added Award which recognizes teachers whose students outperformed those of comparable socioeconomic conditons on state tests. Glenda believes students should not limit their potentioal based on where they live or in what circumstances they may find themselves. She believes in teaching the whole student, not just the "testing" student because students are more than data points. She is also a published author. |
deborah jones
Deborah Jones, Beta Beta Chapter, was chosen as 2019 Mississippi Science Teachers Association (MSTA) Outstanding High School Science Teacher of the Year. She was chosen from an elite group of teachers from across the state. She was selected by a number of science professionals from all over the southeast. Deborah teaches Biology at Lafayette High School. |
Joanna alston
Congratulations to Joanna Alston, Alpha Lambda Chapter! The Arts and Humanities Jury selected your photography entry for being among the DKG Gallery of Fine Arts entrants of the August 15– September 15, 2019 submission period. Her photograph entry ‘Beauty among the Ordinary’ has been accepted into the DKG Gallery of Fine Arts.
The unveiling of the new Gallery works was the first week in December. Her work will be displayed on the Gallery for six months, after which it will be archived. |
joint chapter meeting - alpha psi & upsilon
Sister chapters, Alpha Psi and Upsilon, held a joint meeting in November. Janice Garrett, Mississippi State Organization's First Vice President, was the honored guest. A silent auction was held with the proceeds going to the community service projects of the respective chapters. Until March 31, 1962, the northern counties of Mississippi were a part of the Eta Chapter. The chapter became so large the decision was made to form another chapter. The counties of Alcorn, Benton, Prentiss, Tippah, Tishomingo, and Union would make up the new chapter to be called Upsilon Chapter and was composed of twenty members. Later, another division took place forming the Alpha Psi Chapter.
Currently, the counties of Benton, Tippah, and Union make up Alpha Psi Chapter, while Alcorn, Prentiss, and Tishomingo counties make up Upsilon Chapter and Lee county is Eta Chapter. (Information taken from: Reflective History Upsilon Chapter, Delta Kappa Gamma, by Euna Nabors and the Mississippi State Organization website.)
Two of the original Upsilon Chapter members were present at the fall meeting, Regina Gandy Coats and Lana Dawson Harrelson.
Currently, the counties of Benton, Tippah, and Union make up Alpha Psi Chapter, while Alcorn, Prentiss, and Tishomingo counties make up Upsilon Chapter and Lee county is Eta Chapter. (Information taken from: Reflective History Upsilon Chapter, Delta Kappa Gamma, by Euna Nabors and the Mississippi State Organization website.)
Two of the original Upsilon Chapter members were present at the fall meeting, Regina Gandy Coats and Lana Dawson Harrelson.
Jo anne daniels
Jo Anne Daniels, Zeta Chapter, has been named Instructor of the Year at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Jefferson Davis Campus in Gulfport. She has taught in the Criminal Justice program for the last ten years and currently serves as Program Coordinator. Jo Anne holds a B.S. degree from The University of Southern Mississippi and M.Ed. from William Carey University.
Congratulations, Jo Anne! |
Dr. Angela Bedenbaugh
Leaving a Legacy
Dr. Angela Bedenbaugh has been involved with the U.S. Forum since 1998. During that time, she served as the SE Forum Representative, Forum Chair, the Ad Hoc Committee to revise the Forum Operational Guidelines, and most importantly as the editor of the Forum Connection. In addition, she has served as Mississippi State Organization’s Forum chair since 1976. To say that Angela loves her work on the Forum would be an understatement.
After twenty-one years, Angela is retiring as editor of the Forum Connection and this will be her final issue. Her tireless efforts and knowledge will be missed. However, knowing Angela, she will remain connected and active. The U.S. Forum and MSO wishes you good luck on your next venture!
Dr. Angela Bedenbaugh has been involved with the U.S. Forum since 1998. During that time, she served as the SE Forum Representative, Forum Chair, the Ad Hoc Committee to revise the Forum Operational Guidelines, and most importantly as the editor of the Forum Connection. In addition, she has served as Mississippi State Organization’s Forum chair since 1976. To say that Angela loves her work on the Forum would be an understatement.
After twenty-one years, Angela is retiring as editor of the Forum Connection and this will be her final issue. Her tireless efforts and knowledge will be missed. However, knowing Angela, she will remain connected and active. The U.S. Forum and MSO wishes you good luck on your next venture!
linda hollingsworth
Linda Hollingsworth, Pi Chapter, received a $4631 DKG Educational Foundation Grant for the project entitled "Engaging ALL Students in the Diversity of Virtual Reality."
Virtual Reality subject matter and activities are is developed everyday that opens doors to experiences within classrooms that will make our students want to learn. Can you imagine the VR experience of walking around the Louvre, going through the heart or hiding in Anne Frank's attic! This VR Project at Simpson County Academy will be a "Start Up" that will develop and grow. It will span the campus...... students in 4th grade can take a VR field trip down the Mississippi River as part of their Mississippi History class, or 1st graders reading a class story that literally comes alive before their eyes, or a High School biology student who has been struggling with cell mitosis.....seeing it "for real"...remembering it longer! Virtual Reality "bridges the gap" of allows students to be whoever they want to be......gender, race, and age do not matter. They are free to be themselves and feel accepted... VR creates empathy of others. It is a diverse medium......the potential and possibilities are endless and a little like a "Genie's Lamp" ! |
connie maxwell
Linda Hollingsworth
Linda Hollingsworth, Pi Chapter, received a $4631 DKG Educational Foundation Grant for the project entitled "Engaging ALL Students in the Diversity of Virtual Reality."
Virtual Reality subject matter and activities are is developed everyday that opens doors to experiences within classrooms that will make our students want to learn. Can you imagine the VR experience of walking around the Louvre, going through the heart or hiding in Anne Frank's attic! This VR Project at Simpson County Academy will be a "Start Up" that will develop and grow. It will span the campus...... students in 4th grade can take a VR field trip down the Mississippi River as part of their Mississippi History class, or 1st graders reading a class story that literally comes alive before their eyes, or a High School biology student who has been struggling with cell mitosis.....seeing it "for real"...remembering it longer! Virtual Reality "bridges the gap" of allows students to be whoever they want to be......gender, race, and age do not matter. They are free to be themselves and feel accepted... VR creates empathy of others. It is a diverse medium......the potential and possibilities are endless and a little like a "Genie's Lamp" ! |
Dr. Jo Hawkins-JOnes
Congratulations to Dr. Jo Hawkins-Jones. Her article entitled "Unveiled: What is Keeping Black Male Students from Success?" has been selected for inclusion in the 2020 Volume 86-5 issue of The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, The International Journal for Professional Educators. Dr. Jo Hawkins-Jones is an assistant teaching professor in the School of Education at The University of Southern Mississippi. She is a member and serves on the membership committee of Alpha Gamma Chapter. |
Dr. Stacy Reeves
Congratulations to Dr. Stacy Reeves. Her article entitled "Unveiled: What is Keeping Black Male Students from Success?" has been selected for inclusion in the 2020 Volume 86-5 issue of The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, The International Journal for Professional Educators. Dr. Stacy Reeves, a tenured associate professor in the School of Education at The University of Southern Mississippi, is a member of Alpha Gamma Chapter. |
Lindsay Griffin
The DKG International Arts and Humanities Jury selected Lindsay Griffin's photography submission, "Springtime Beauty" to be included in the up-coming DKG Fine Arts Gallery.
The unveiling of the new DKG Fine Arts Gallery will be mid-April. Her photograph will be displayed in the gallery for six months, then archived for two years. Congratulations, Lindsay! |
Chapter Recognition
Alpha Alpha Chapter members always feed over two hundred Perry County School District employees on their first day back to school. Due to the safety procedures and regulations during the COVID-19 pandemic, we were unable to have our annual breakfast. However, we did welcome new teachers at South Perry Elementary School, located in Beaumont. Retired teachers Beverly Hesterman and Delores Sheffield were joined by Pam Hernandez, Rhonda Sullivan, and Ashley Stockfleth to hand out bags that contained necessary desk items for the teachers. Principal Shawn Butler thanked the Alpha Alpha members for their dedication to education and to the school. These ladies are awesome mentors and shared words of encouragement to the new teachers.
Alpha Alpha Chapter recently contributed 33 shoeboxes for the Indian reservation in New Mexico. Before Christmas Pastor Marc Williams from Clear Creek Methodist Protestant Church delivers the shoebox gifts to the children at the Indian reservation each year. The shoeboxes were filled with various toiletry items, Bibles, school supplies, small toys, hats and gloves. Perry County School District Superintendent Dr. Scott Dearman, who is also a Gideon, donated Bibles to be placed in some of the boxes.
Alpha Upsilon Chapter put Purpose 6 (to stimulate the personal and professional growth of members and to encourage their participation in appropriate programs of action) and Purpose 7 (to inform the members of current economic, social, political and educational issues so that they may participate effectively in a world society) into action this year.
Because hunger doesn’t take a break on weekends, we supported two backpack buddy programs, Backpack Buddies of Poplarville and First Baptist Church of Bay St. Louis Backpack Buddies. Both of these programs provide food for school-age children who face food insecurity over the weekends. Backpack Buddies makes sure the food gets directly into the hands of the children who need it. Our members went above and beyond! We ended up with 3 car loads of food for these backpack buddy programs. We made sure none of these children went hungry during the Christmas Holidays. |
Kristin Knight, member of Alpha Delta Chapter, recently became certified with the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards as an Early Childhood Generalist.
Kristin graduated from Lambuth University with a Bachelors in Elementary Education and from the University of Mississippi with a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary Education.
She has just finished her 20th year of teaching Kindergarten and First Grade and serves as First Vice-President of Alpha Delta Chapter.
Kristin graduated from Lambuth University with a Bachelors in Elementary Education and from the University of Mississippi with a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary Education.
She has just finished her 20th year of teaching Kindergarten and First Grade and serves as First Vice-President of Alpha Delta Chapter.
For the 10th summer, Shauna Waters from Gamma Chapter has been selected to score student essays for the Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition exam. She is grading for the national/international test. Shauna has also been selected to be a part of the Blended Learning Cohort for MSU. This is a special program that has been implemented to help train teachers for virtual/distance learning.
Gamma Chapter’s Amy Davis recently received her Educational Specialist degree in Instructional Leadership from William Carey. Though she completed all of the coursework in November 2020, she received her degree in March 2021.
Gamma’s Collegiate Member, Brittney Harrison, will graduate in May 2021 with highest honors and has been named a Stephen D. Lee Scholar through MSU, which is equivalent to summa cum laude (4.0 gpa whole college career). She is also a Riley Scholar and has been named the Outstanding Undergraduate for the Division of Education at MSU Meridian for the spring of 2021.
Gamma Chapter’s Amy Davis recently received her Educational Specialist degree in Instructional Leadership from William Carey. Though she completed all of the coursework in November 2020, she received her degree in March 2021.
Gamma’s Collegiate Member, Brittney Harrison, will graduate in May 2021 with highest honors and has been named a Stephen D. Lee Scholar through MSU, which is equivalent to summa cum laude (4.0 gpa whole college career). She is also a Riley Scholar and has been named the Outstanding Undergraduate for the Division of Education at MSU Meridian for the spring of 2021.
Congratulations, Alpha Gamma Chapter!
Chapter President Natalie Breithaupt is all smiles as she accepts the $100 Reward for her chapter bringing the most First Timers to the Mississippi State Organization Convention. The MSO Membership Committee would like to thank all the chapters who brought First Timers to the convention: Gamma, Eta, Xi, Rho, Sigma, Alpha Alpha, Alpha Gamma, Alpha Theta, Alpha Upsilon, and Beta Alpha. |