- Each chapter shall consider membership diversity in recruiting new members.
- Each chapter shall encourage members to apply for 2017 Leadership Management Seminar
- Each chapter shall financially support the International Service Projects and the Zeta State Scholarship Fund.
- Each chapter shall schedule a visit from a state officer, state committee chair, or member of the Order of Magnolia during the biennium.
- Each chapter shall have a net increase of at least three members during the biennium.
2017 Zeta State Convention
We were honored to have Dr. Rhonda Anderson, Northeast Regional Director, as our International Representative. We truly enjoyed the messages from International and words of encouragement that she shared throughout the Convention. She also enjoyed our company as evidenced by the article written in her chapter newsletter Mu News. During her messages Dr. Anderson encouraged us to write "Butterfly Notes" about what DKG is doing right, what we wish for the future of DKG, and what we would change. The results were very informative and hopefully we will consider them as we plan for our up-coming year and biennium.