The Hummingbird…odds are against this tiny miracle!
It’s BOLD! It believes it can do anything…it is not limited by size! It has the heart of an EAGLE! It’s ENTHUSIASTIC! It goes about its work...excited and free! It’s DETERMINED! You see…aerodynamically, hummingbirds shouldn’t be able to fly! But it does fly, expertly…upside down, right side up, backwards and forward! So, in Zeta State, I want us to have the same “Can Do” Spirit of the Hummingbird! ~Linda Hollingsworth, President |
2017-2019 Goals
Each Chapter shall…..
- Increase NET membership by 2 members per year of biennium…diversity of membership should be considered.
- Schedule a visit from a ZS Officer, Committee Chair or Order of Magnolia member.
- Bond with their District chapters to create a Support System as they work, geographically together, for strength and support.
- Be proactive in ways to support the International Service Projects of (SFA) Schools for Africa, (SEE) Support for Early-career Educators and create monetary ways to support the International World Fellowship Fund and our ZS Scholarship Fund.
- Support completely the Training and Leadership opportunities offered by the ZS Leadership Development Committee (2018 Chapter Leaders’ Retreat and 2019 Leadership Management Seminar).
- Encourage membership to support and attend their District meetings and the Zeta State Conventions.
Celebrating 85 years in Zeta State

This picture was taken during the Pre-Convention Seminar at the old King Edward Hotel in Jackson, which is were Zeta State was organized on April 21, 1934. Dr. Annie Webb Blanton and Miss Norma Smith of Alabama worked together in the organization of Zeta State. Click here to see the Convention slideshow. Click here to see the 2019 Women of Distinction.
Meet the 2017-2019 District Directors & Assistant Directors
Janet conley, northern district director
Some of my favorite memories of DKG are: the honor I felt when asked to join; the formality of the initiation ceremony (long skirts at a country club); the fact drilled into us that “we are a society, not a sorority”; the welcoming of the sisterhood when moving/changing chapters four times; the fellowship during long car rides to meetings; the good times and sad times shared with DKG sisters; the personal benefits gained from DKG membership are all special memories for me.
dr. dorothy prestwich, northern district assistant director
My favorite memory of DKG is taking Mrs. Ruby Jones, our Mississippi Star member, to the Northern District meeting where she was honored for her 50+ years of service. This was memorable in many ways, not only because of her intense pleasure in sitting at the honoree table, watching her slide show, and feeling her excitement at the honor given to her, but also because I was able to drive her to and from the meeting. I was given the opportunity of visiting with a knowledgeable, interesting, and dynamic lady of 90+ years. We have formed a bond outside of meeting pleasantries. This bond has lasted far beyond that meeting.
dr. betsy sullivan, central district director
I have so many favorite memories. It is difficult to select one. I love our Christmas meetings. Several years ago, we had a program that was very interactive. A group of twelve chapter members were asked to perform a version of the 12 Days of Christmas. However, the "days" were changed to fit the classroom. We REALLY got into our character. My character only wanted to know, "Is it recess yet?!" on the 5th day of Christmas. The reason that I chose this as my favorite memory is that it demonstrates our fellowship. We laughed as we sang, as did those who watched us. We lift each other up. We support each other and act as mentors to each other.
shauna waters, central district assistant director
My favorite DKG memory comes from a hands-on meeting where we made no-sew fleece blankets to donate to our local cancer center. As we worked, all the members of our chapter had a real chance to talk and get to know one another better. The fellowship made an already worthy project that much better. Later, we heard how much our blankets had meant to those who were at the center for chemotherapy. It was in every way a perfect DKG event.
sybil wilner, southern district director
Every memory is so special to me that it is very hard to pick one in particular. However, I still remember the night of my initiation like it was yesterday. I had no idea what to expect. Some of the older members laughingly told us new ladies coming into the society we were going to have to catch a greased pig! We all giggled knowing they were playfully teasing us…yet it did add to the anticipation of just what were we getting into! The table was beautifully set with a white tablecloth, red candles, red roses, the official crest, and a bible. As we stood around the table in the glow of candlelight and recited the purposes of Delta Kappa Gamma, pride of belonging to such a group of distinguished ladies made me extremely proud to part of the society.
lauren carpenter, southern district assistant director
The fellowship of our Alpha Xi family is an experience I treasure. Alpha Xi is a chapter of only eight members, but each member is dynamic and passionate about education. This year Alpha Xi was able to share that spirit with an equally lively chapter: Zeta Chapter. President Lauren Olsen and Zeta Chapter extended an invitation to our small chapter to participate in a joint meeting. These two chapters became one family while painting and decorating Fleur-de-lis ghosts, purple cats, and witches in tutus. This was a memorable experience for both the chapter and me.